CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a deeply relaxing, gentle hands-on method of releasing tissue restrictions throughout the head, spine, and body creating better alignment and freedom of movement so the body can self-correct and free itself from pain and other health conditions.
Gentle listening hands begin by evaluating restrictions in the body. While holding an area, observations are made by evaluating the symmetry or asymmetry, the rate, the quality of motion or lack thereof, and the amplitude of motion within the body. Like the crescendo or diminuendo of music or the ebb and flow of the ocean, the body has a constant rhythm of expansion and contraction.
Tuning into the flow of motion within the body allows the therapist to notice areas that are hot, cold, buzzing, stuck, sluggish, restricted, compressed, torqued, sheared, twisted, jammed, bent, or other indications. These areas are then addressed in the order of priority by holding the area and following the tissue in the direction of ease.
As an area is held, it begins to go through various levels of tissue release and many sensations can be felt throughout the body. As the tissue releases, various bodily responses occur throughout the body, such as, a therapeutic pulse, heat, tingling, sighs, yawns, tissue softening, sudden jerks, and stomach and intestinal gurgling. As areas release, the body is re-evaluated for the next area of priority. The process of evaluation and releasing continues until the body no longer pulls attention into an area.
During the releases, thoughts, emotions, colors, smells, memories, events, people, work, money and other environmental factors may come to mind. Since tissue has memory, it is natural for aspects to float to the surface for release. You may find the need to move your body in certain ways. This is encouraged and is part of the way your body needs to release the restrictions. By listening and following in the direction of ease, CST gently allows the body to self-correct, regaining harmony, balance, alignment, movement, and restoring communication and flow within the body, allowing the body to heal.
Areas benefiting from CranioSacral Therapy include:
For more information click CranioSacral Therapy and the Upledger Institute
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No techniques talked about on this website are meant to replace allopathic medical modalities, but they can act in integration with them. Please check with your healthcare practitioner if you are not sure. Some therapies might have certain contraindications, so please make sure your therapist is kept up to date on any health issues. We each need to be the CEO of our own team of healthcare practitioners. It is strongly encouraged that everyone take charge of their own health, and develop an integrative healthcare team of support professionals for all your varying needs.
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